Finds From Around the Web {Listmania}

by Valerie on August 20, 2009 · 4 comments

* If you are a tea lover, Join Melita in her tea-trade {bloggers and non-bloggers alike welcome}

* Sadie Nardini’s article on yoga is a great reminder that it can benefit anyone and everyone – it’s a matter of finding a style and class for you {if you are not in New York, Sadie has a virtual yoga studio on Youtube, which I discovered thanks to Yogademia}

* Fascinating article in Time Magazine on America’s Food Crisis

* Starbucks unbranding and some thoughts on the subject here ? Has anyone read/seen anything about this? {I don’t hate Starbucks, by the way. In fact it used to be one of my happy places}

* Aglio, Olio & Peperoncino has a great recipe for vitello tonnato, which was favorite of mine growing up

* Makeup Museum has a review of the packaging of Smashbox’s Fall Collection

* Just Hungry tells us about a reborn food blog, the Hungry Tiger, and muses on the old days of food blogging {fewer pictures, more writing}

* You can submit a pearl of wisdom anytime. In the meantime, do read all the wonderful pearls people sent in.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Melita August 20, 2009 at 5:41 pm

thanks for spreading the word on the tea trading goodness :) we already have 12 people ready to trade. hopefully we can get more. the latest request was someone from france wanting to join (how awesome is that!!) 😀

going to check out your other links now!


2 Karley August 20, 2009 at 6:15 pm

Great links. I just signed up for the tea trade–what a fabulous idea.

As for the unbranding of Starbucks–I adore Starbucks. I also like buying locally made goods. I sometimes feel guilty when I am not at a small coffee shop owned by one or two locals, so I usually go to my closest coffee shop, which is Tim Horton's.

I guess I justify it because they play up the "locally owned and operated" and "roasted right here in Rochester" aspects of the franchise.

I feel Starbucks is trying to appeal to an even broader range by doing this in a market that seems oversaturated (my feeling while visiting your city) with the chain.

I do love SB, though, and the company has done a great deal of good for others around the world.


3 The Curator August 20, 2009 at 7:35 pm

Aw, thanks for the mention! It's not a review so much as a discussion of the packaging, but hopefully people will find it interesting. :)


4 JennDZ - The Leftover Queen August 20, 2009 at 7:43 pm

These are some really great links! Thanks so much for pointing them out – so much info out there, it is nice to get pointed in the right direction! 😉


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