The Best Intentions

by Valerie on August 26, 2010 · 3 comments

On Tuesday night, I decided to skip my usual Tuesday Night Yoga class and instead do a bit of child’s pose at home as my Tuesday Night Yoga.  As I have blogged before, I try to make this commitment about showing up rather than a full-length class.  Somehow having that consistency really helps – and while I did just child’s pose on Tuesday night, I did go to yoga classes on both Monday and Wednesday, so it all works out.

The main reason I wanted to be home on Tuesday was that I wanted a little time to catch up on blogging.  I am glad you enjoyed the Not-So-Faux After-Eights and my review of Sweet Freedom.  I also updated my Twitter and Facebook pages a bit if you would like to connect that way.

First, one needs sustenance, and that’s where the best intentions come in. I decided to make Gena’s avocado and kabocha squash sandwich. Except that I only had sweet potatoes, though I figured that would work just as well.  I usually eat avocados atop steamed sweet potatoes mixed with black beans and lime juice, and seeing as I love this combination, I figured I would love this sandwich. I was in the mood for a wrap (I use the Food for Life gluten-free ones made with brown rice flour), so here is the sandwich, pre-final wrapping:

Avocado and Sweet Potato Wrap

And here is the sandwich after I tried to finish turning it into a wrap.

August 2010 006

Yes, can we say, total wrap fail.  Or rather, delicious deconstructed wrap.  It might have had something to do with over-toasting the tortillas (incidentally, I find brown rice tortillas to be far better if sprinkled with water and toasted in a hot dry pan).  So yes, good thing I took the first picture before the final wrapping.  I added hot sauce and scallions because those two things make everything better.  It was an awesome wrap. It was so awesome I had another one for breakfast yesterday.  And now I am sad because I will have to wait until Sunday to make another one of these sandwiches.  Though, I have a kale salad in store for dinner tonight, so I really should not be complaining too much.  And maybe I will catch up a bit on emails too.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Ellecubed August 26, 2010 at 4:12 pm

This wrap looks so delicious. I may have to try my hand at making a similar recipe this weekend. I love reading all about your cooking experiments. It makes me hopeful that I too can be a good cook one day.


2 Gena August 26, 2010 at 6:07 pm

It was the fault of the wrap! Those gluten free wraps are, I'm sorry to say, so feckless.


3 clairerose77 August 26, 2010 at 8:14 pm

I love the chewiness of those wraps:-)cc


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