11 Days of A Heat Wave & Latest Favorite Ice Cream Treat

by Valerie on July 9, 2012 · 2 comments

When I was a kid, ice cream was something I associated with two things – a special occasion like a birthday, or heat waves.  Every day desserts were not part of the picture, but without fail, whenever there was a heat wave (and in Switzerland, AC was not customary, despite said heat waves), ice cream would appear.  I think my parents were on to something – sure, ice cream tastes good, but it tastes especially good when it is ridiculously hot.

As much as I love my homemade ice cream (whether black mission fig, spicy chocolate, strawberry, or pumpkin), I do not make it often.  Around day 9 of this heat wave, thought, I decided I wanted some ice cream other than a soft-serve like smoothie or banana/fruit concoction. As I was mulling what flavor to make when, I came across this new product from So Delicious Dairy Free at my local Whole Foods:


You might remember how I had been having a hankering for coffee ice cream lately, and had discovered that almond-based ice cream (though in mint flavor only) and was curious to try more – somehow the two wishes came together and became available.  I find the texture of almond milk based ice that perfect balance of creamy but light, and the almond milk base worked well with the chocolate and coffee flavors.  One mini contains only 10 grams of sugar, and it is a combination of cane sugar, beet sugar, and tapioca – while I generally avoid sugar, I do enjoy the occasional dessert and can tolerate sugars other than agave or coconut sugar in small amounts.  And, as you can see from the picture, this is a certified gluten-free product, which always makes me happy.  The flavor combination is, as coffee and chocolate always is, wonderful, and these minis were pretty great the last few days.  Somehow, ice cream just tastes better in this weather.  I actually withstood the first 8 or 9 days of the heat wave just fine, but by today (day 11) I was starting to get overheated and dehydrated a little too easily – perhaps a compound effect?

Before I wish you a happy Sunday night, a quick recap of recent posts:

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Amanda @ flecksofgreen July 9, 2012 at 4:06 pm

I love coffee ice cream…I think it’s my favorite flavor ever. I know it can seem somewhat plain, but I don’t think I’ll ever get enough!


2 Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy July 10, 2012 at 6:37 pm

i’ve wanted to try these!! i love anything mini!


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