{Today’s Lunchbox} Forgot the Sauce

by Valerie on December 15, 2010 · 0 comments

Tuesday lunchbox 003

This was not a case of having made sauce and just forgotten. This was a case of rushing and not thinking that plain steamed and roasted vegetables might need a little more kick.  It happens. It was still a good lunch, but next time I would include a sauce of 2 tablespoons tahini, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon brown rice unseasoned vinegar and a dash of hot sauce.  Here are the contents of lunch and two snacks:

  • Steamed kale and collards and quinoa
  • Roasted pumpkin and spaghetti squash with the pumpkin pate from the nori cigars by Ricki.  The pate definite added a kick to lunch, but I would have liked a little more of it or some of the tahini sauce described above
  • Two servings of chocolate chia pudding with some almond milk and oatmeal in a waning almond butter jar.  It is not quite overnight oats in that there is no banana or pumpkin or apple or sweet potato, but it is delectable nonetheless.  I originally intended to make 1 serving, but ended up making too much so decided to consider it two snacks.


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